milch of sourceによるチルアウトトラック4連作の第二弾、春版チルアウトトラックス「Season's 1/4(for Spring's chillout)」
・発売元 milch records
1.Drive My Love
2.Spring for Jump , Park for Spring
3.Prosaic Flower
・iTunes store link
---------- Comment -----------------------------
I was pretty happy to hear that Ryoma Maeda aka Milch of Source was doing a collection of seasonal music. I had come to know his incredibly-varied sound through his Little Prince collaboration with EeL, which was one of my personal favorite albums of the past decade.
I made a point of tracking down the person responsible for the intense rhythm of its title track as well as the dreamy beauty of "I'm Crying On A Straight Road". This led of course to sound wizard Ryoma and I found a lot more craziness on his mp3 blog, such as the epic "Wonderstruck Animals". And the mysterious "Imagine For Image".
Then there was stuff like the breezy "Coconut's Mother", a perfect summertime evening jam. That's kind of the vibe I was hoping for with this Spring collection, except something for a bit earlier in the year, and that's what these four tracks are, hopeful songs that seem to shed the burden of Winter and look to the sun. I especially enjoy "Spring for Jump, Park for Spring", with its cheerful xylophones, wistful vocal melody and warm rolling sub-bass. It reminds me of Tenjira-era Flowchart... in fact just add a couple of spring flowers to the meadows around Tenjira's smiling, rising, headphone-wearing Sol, and you'd have the perfect cover art for this collection as well.
I look forward to what Summer has in store.
PK(Peppermill Records)